Thursday, May 17, 2012

A little revising, good for the soul

My students are in the thick of it now. Our memoirs are well under way. As a teacher, this is very interesting as I see student memoirs developing. Even at this point in the year, I am learning about my students and their thought process. Next year, I might start the year writing a quick memoir, then go back to it at the end and revisit.

So about revision... Every day now, I am teaching my students another technique to revise. We go back and reread, then use a strategy to make our work better. I model the technique for them on my own memoir, then send them to do the same with their own.

Some ways we revise:
  • add color words/descriptive language
  • dialogue - add some or take some out if they are a kid who overdoes it with dialogue
  • repetition of a phrase or word
  • add action/sound words
  • speed up the action
  • slow down the action

I could go on forever, but I won't. You get my point. We so often skimp on the revision aspect, when, in fact, it is crucial to great writing to spend the time. Do the work. Get your knuckles dirty (to quote a lacrosse coach).

I find that fourth grade is an excellent time to teach kids to take their time, expend the energy and make a piece of writing the best it can be. Then make it better. When it's the best it can possibly be, go back and make it EVEN BETTER!

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